Anyone else grow a "winter beard?" v.New POLL

a razor hasnt touched above my jaw line since oct 31st…

anyone else rocking a winter beard?

i rock the chin strap year round… keep in mind though i’ve noticed most people can’t grow a decent beard or any kind of facial hair anymore

look like an effin lumber jack

me too, its great.

post pics of your beard if you like!

nah… tried growing a full beard a few times, but it always itches my face like crazy to the point where I’d give 50.00 for a razor to shave the shit.

Jam- Let’s see it. Throw on a sleeveless flannel and throw an axe or 2x4 over your shoulder for extra points.

The only time I grew a beard was when I was in a neck brace for 12 weeks.

I’ve been working on some burly sideburns, but alas no beard.

I checked the option for:
-Alcoholic Stubble

Well, I would have if it had been there.




i have my spurts where i grow a beard…gets itchy…and i trim it to sruff.

I haven’t clean shaven my face in months… and dont plan on it anytime soon.

doh. i knew i forgot something.

pics of said winter beards… ew

Hit head-on, broke C2 & C3 in my neck.
Thank you old lady driver.

are you implying that a chin strap is a “decent beard”?

because it’s probably the douchebaggiest most non-decent beard ever conceived.

also. saying that “people can’t grow any kind of facial hair anymore” is probably the most asinine thing i’ve ever read. Is it something in the water? Thank you for your prolific observation.

[quote=newman;788960]Chinstraps are for dudebro faggots.[quote]


I blame 4 cylinder imports. They’re killing the testosterone level of young American men.

started about 3 weeks ago, thick on bottom and 2 patches top side slowly being covered

I’m 20 and can barley grow a beard. It comes in everywhere, but, only as a shadow… it sucks, i’d like to grow a manly beard.

I did notice, though, when i had my diesel pickup, my facial hair grew in more thick and faster.

Ive grown 2 already this year i just shaved everything yesterday soo ill be back to burly in a couple days lol.