Anyone else grow a "winter beard?" v.New POLL

i always grow it to a point where i get to that middle stage and im like ahhhh i gotta shave it, but i def wanna grow a good one at somepoint


because it’s probably the douchebaggiest most non-decent beard ever invented.

also. saying that “people can’t grow any kind of facial hair anymore” is probably the most asinine thing i’ve ever read. Is it something in the water?

I’ve got a bunch of friends and acquaintances who all have tried growing in the beard at some point or another. When stanley cup time comes around i see it all the time. Beards that just aren’t full or come in all patchy.

i’m talking about the dirty scum bag looking guys who try and grow in their goatees and they come in looking like grandmas pubes are attached to their chins.

Assuming that i was implying that ALL people can’t grow facial hair anymore is just idiotic. i’m pretty sure you know what i meant and the idea i was originally getting at.

awesome beards like these:

not to mention holy fuck what did a stumble on…

I havent hit puberty yet :frowning:

Winter? I’ve been rocking it 368 days and counting.

So a chin strap is much better? Regardless how well it comes in…

I shave every other day :frowning:

I get a haircut every 3 days in the summer $20/per You do the math :slight_smile:

There is nothing wrong with any kind of beard, chin strap, full on, t bar or any of them. Facial hair is awesome, and I laugh at those of you that can’t grow it =)

your not really serious with the comment are you?:picard:

or are you one of “those people”:gay2:

I just started mine a few days ago… what do ya think??

You are allowed to call me gay flat out. I don’t see the point in holding back.

With a chin strap (god I hope its a really thin one) you are quite the douche

1 i don’t know who the fuck you are
2 i don’t know what you look like
3 your making no sense and taking shit out of context

besides it doesn’t look that bad… this was last week

discuss the “flavor savor”


How does what kind of beard you have define how gay you are?

stone your awesome, but this is getting out of context

i grow my mustache for that reason and that reason alone. :lolsign:

and mike, im sorry man… line beards are pretty lame. shave it all off, and fuck it. beards arent supposed to be pretty and symmetrical, theyre supposed to be burly!

why ?
I usually have full facial hair just short aside from my neck which I always shave. However I have to have some type so if I fuck it up when im shaping the top, I’ll shave it down to a line till it grows back.

personally I look really good with either, just depends on what I feel like having I guess.

I have yet to hear a good reason whats wrong with a “line beard” ohh wait because a few idiots that noone liked had them so means we all have to hate them?

Its not like they’d say anything if I had a beard at work, I’ve seen some around. However it wouldn’t be that highly looked upon so meh, might as well shave. :tif:

Whenever I have a few days off its on though.

lol Jam it’s not a line. you’ve seen it before many times and looks nothing like the ghetto chin strap …

it’s thick and furry with food, small animals, and dried beer foam in it

what are you talking about… Are you claiming thats you?

or are you doing a googlesearch to find something it looks close to?

anyone else notice that estorvito spends $2,400 on his haircut annually
