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I read a REALLLLY long article a year or two ago, I’ll have to check my old bookmark files and see if I still ahve it but it was a rundown on alot of the oil filters you see in advance or anything really for that matter, pictures of how they look inside, the ammount of Microns? or however the fuck its rated that they really filter out etc…

Purolators were the best… Mobil1/K&N filters are virtually the same and cost twice what a purolator does but only filter out something like half of what a purolator will

Basicly after reading it all and googleing some shit I dident understand… I realized that if you dont give a shit, just buy a fram/cheap purolator as its not much worse than some of the expensive shit…

If your really that worried about it buy a purolator pure one or whatever their “high end” filters are