#noshavenovember updates/pics thread.

so how is the month treating the rest of you #noshavenovember / winter beard people.

men, post your ugly mugs.
girls, if you’re taking part, please don’t post.

I am very content with my hairs and feel like showing them off:


Ive been doing this:

I was going to do movember but work killed that because of meeting with clients :frowning:

I had to groom

I get bigger beard as 5’oclock sonny.

i now look like a woolly mammoth lol

Serious question, what is your first language?

English, why?

I just shaved my head the other night, looks aweful. but better than patches of hair

needs more beard door

I can clearly see the beer door?

Figured he wasnt using it

Thats BS… you can clearly see shave lines…

One week in


Two weeks in



for the record, I’m really only one week in and I have already shaved / trimmed.

I am currently working on week three… no shaving at all, it fucking sucks I am starting to itch

I shaved last week. I forgot about the no shave month. But i haven’t shaved since then, and i wont for the rest of this month. My chin itches like a bitch.

I’m usually always burly. I keep my beard at about 1 1/2 inches but i cut it off in October for Halloween (Daniel Plainview ftw lol). Now I am working on 3 weeks and a half inch.

probably my gayest post

Top or bottom?

I would like to grow a beard for the winter but whenever I let it go it makes my face break out bad underneath and it itches horribly.

DUDE!! I dont live near NYC! fucking stop your gay propositioning.