if we had these then we would be having more action on the streets
philly has a huge drag race scene that i can remember
there are plenty of cops on this board already :dunno:
I’ll bet they don’t anymore after this investigation is done…
we need some cops liek that one night burnyD broke down(fancy that) but “my car is faster” brummmmmm errrrrrrrrrr around the bend
thats awesome…looks like someone is losing their job
how funny would that have been if he hit his lights when they started to race he hit his lights…ahahaha
i’ve seen that in person & it wasnt in philly!
did the cop win or lose?
I’m guessing he lost because he was in a crown vic, but you never know.
still does on XXrd street
is frigginant still the flagger?
eat a cheeseseburger.
i know of 1 specific one who does burnouts in front of my house every chance he gets