now this woman had problems ... good thing she /herself

he must be a pretty heavy sleeped, considering she shot him in the forhead and he later woke up and drove to the hospital

she must suck at aiming a gun … how hard is it to kill someone while they are asleep ? i mean jeez, its the number one way to off your parents while in high school, it cant be THAT fuckin hard to shoot a non moving target …

wow… that sucks… but is kinda cool… hope the man was treated, released, and will spend many days loving florida weather etc etc… he was 53… she was 65… ughh thats like me screwing a 33 year old… doesnt sound bad now… but 12 years… jeeesh…

2 in the head, you know they’re dead.

lol, what is wrong with u… ur sig is just wrong…

That old man must have one tough ass dome.

I bet the bullet just went in that gap between the 2 halves of the brain. It wouldn’t actually damage the brain, so he wouldn’t die from a hit there.

and yeah, he must have been a really fuking heavy sleeper.


Talk about the will to live except the guy had no idea what happened. That’s fucked up, amazing story but fucked up!

Uhh Beck, I am very disturbed by your signature’s link. I am also disturbed by the old man that wouldnt die.

Wow…thats all I can say…i think its kinda funny that she shot him, and he lived then shot herself and died “hmm does this not work? bam”.

Oh, and BEck’s sig is obviously a joke. Get over it people.

Wow, thats pretty crazy.