NSA Surveillance Pro or Against?

I was reading about the recent slides. While someone can search anything, full data is generally only kept 24-48 hours unless it comes across as “suspicious or interesting” to the NSA, otherwise only meta data is collected and kept for up to a month. Not THAT big of a deal

Official documents also showed that information could not be used without going through proper legal channels (Kudos for at least saying that in their document even though all they need to do is go to the “secret” court :lol )

However it appears they are not storing data on EVERYONE in the capacity once speculated via the first set of documents. Any real hard data is only kept if you are of interested to the NSA< otherwise the worst they have is metadata which again unless you are of interest is wiped and removed…

I’m not suprised at all, after listening to some of the infastructure it was belived the NSA to have, it would take so much power, money and space to keep storage of everyones dirty little secrets.


Just when I thought Russians couldn’t get any fucking dumber… They grant snowden asylum.

Fucking pieces of shit.

You’re not on the snowden is a hero bandwagon :rofl

I can only imagine pitman and vlads responses…

Waiting patiently.

Lecture China on human rights issue, granted asylum for many defectors from other countries; Butt hurt when mass citizen spying plan exposed and angry at Russia granted one guy asylum.


I am glad Snowden let the cat out of the bag, we deserved to know…

That being said I think hes a fucktard and should be prosecuted for his actions

Why do you give a fuck if they are watching what we do online or on the phone?? if someone’s looking into making bombs online, I’d want them caught.

I dunno about you but I’ve never done anything online or on the phone to be worried about. The dude that would be looking at my online records would be in awe by how much porn I stream for free.

Catching 300 terrorists since 2008 must not be good enough for you. We shoulda just ignored them.

Read my previous KK rants :lol

Wasn’t aiming at you, was on a kk rant myself. Minus a few thousand words.

Was listening to some news this AM and looked back on this article. It was due to a search being done at work, his boss was looking at his search history and turned it in to the authorities.