
Doesn’t this bring back some fond memories??

I used to love that tune…still good I guess.

  1. Find.

The jungle scene sure was ugly back in the day.

No matter how often i hear that song, it always makes me wanna light up a spliff and kick someone in the face.

I was waiting for it to kick up a bit and be sorta cool, but it didn’t… wtf.

It’s no RATM, but the bassline can make your heart explode.

bad boyyss in a london
rudeboys in ah-england

bad boys in jamaica
rudeboys in ah-kingston

i amm aa murrderr-raaa// kill up any dj pon da cahnahh
shyfx is a muurdder-raa// kill up any dj pon de cahnahh

old jungle anthems ftw?

the fat hoez dacing made me lol


uk apache is my hero