NY speed King Kong millions group buy

since you guys have a thing goin for mega millions. why not do this king kong millions?
for those who havent heard about it yet. there is only going to be 1 drawing, that will be on december 5. 1 winner for the jackpot that starts out at $50million but will prolly get bigger. 5 or more winners will get $1mill, then 10 or more winners will get $100,000
we should all do the $10 option for 7 games
anyone want to collect money and get tickets?
the chances of winning all depends on how many tickets are sold. so i think its a little better than mega millions, plus this is a one time deal and theres plenty of time to collect money

Incase people don’t get it from reading your post I’ll add the fact that someone will definately win. They will only pick from numbers that has been picked by us teh consumer.