NY State Adds Points For Drivers Caught Using Cell Phones

nothing at all. And like others said, legally I don’t think they can yank it out of your hands and hit call history… BUT that wont stop them from trying. Self incrimination is a bitch, people don’t know about the 5th amendment it seems. People get scared when an officer confronts them and if they are clueless to begin with they will buy into everything the cop asks them to do. it happens all day long, people dont know their rights and keep yappin at the gums and they cop just keep fishing for a possible infraction. And if you get ticketed for something, odds are the judge doesn’t care either and wont give a shit to ask how that “infraction” came to the surface. Its been tried on me many times, and either the cop slipped up and I caught them and didnt get ticketed, or if I was written a ticket I beat it in court by knowing my rights and double checking with a friendly lawyer, cop, judge ect I know.

“You guys want it both ways, to not have dumbasses on the road, and to not have the gov make any steps to remove said dumbasses from the road.”

not really, I have no issue paying attention like a hawk on the road, after all thats what a safe responsible driver does to avoid accidents. If I cant avoid them and crash and wreck my car, so be it, I get a new car. If I cant avoid them and crash, wreck my car, and get hurt, so be it, I get a new car, go to the hosiptal, and get a lawyer (and maybe 10 new cars!).

If I cant avoid them and crash, wreck my car, and get killed, so be it I am dead. Thats life I guess, anything can happen at any time, anywhere. If you hide from life there is no sense in living IMO.

And furthermore… to solidify my argument that cell phone talking laws, texting laws and jogging with more than one ear bud in your head are worthless wastes of money and effort passing and enforcing… tell me this how many times did YOU get involved in an accident because of those three “causes”??? Maybe you are lucky to not have been in many accidents… well ask your parents, brothers, sisters, friends… have them explain the accidents they were involved in. ill put money on most of the causes were NONE OF THE ABOVE.