NYC Newyears anyone going?

Im gonna be at The Park Club

i will be there! probably either central park or times square

I’ll be on some boat on the Hudson

I did a thing last year through joonbug at a club it was cool

Just becareful of the uber strong drinks they pour, and the best part is its top shelf, hope you like Grey goose

I’m going to be in my house, I’ve had enough of NYC during new years…

I wanna try the time square thing at least once in my life… I was going to two years ago… but that idea got shut down

should be a good time.

i’ll probably be in orlando


Have fun pissing.

I did times square a couple of years ago. It sucked balls. Never again.

ill be down there to visit some friends/party

i’ll be on my couch…

I walked through last year, and it was fucking packed and the ball looks a lot smaller in real life

I will be in south beach miami partyin with ludacris. pics to come.