NYIRP 9.29.06

If I get out of work at a decent hr, I might make it up about 8pm

I’m out. Deal with the slicks fell through and looks like I will have to work.

i’ll be there

im deff still in

me and my roommate will show up almost for sure


we should organize a cruise there. what time does everybody plan on leaving?

dont know which one im going to, but either 1 i plan on going out to destory my clutch :tup:

sry guys ill be out clutch is smoked

Stop by and say “hi”. I will be there with my race car over in the paved pit area with the other guys from Kennedy’s.

rain friday, going tommorow instead! hopefully cya guys there

looks pretty sunny out… too bad everybody went on wednesday when i couldnt go :frowning:

I just called and she said the track is dry! :slight_smile:

I’m still planning on going aslong as its dry…N e 1 else?

Edit: Nvm

just called, track is dry and ready to go…

i’ll go

what time does it start?

They open the gates at 6