Dunno, it was moving too fast.
Good job fuzzy :tup: Now if you would update your user profile with that information, you’ll be the 4th fastest car on NYSpeed :tup:
There are a lot of slow cars on here.
Would that make ROOTS the 3rd fastest? Or are you only referring to verified via slip?
Documentation talks, bullshit walks. It don’t count unless it’s in black and white (or color if you have a video).
And pretty soon, you will start to see questionable non-verified times dissapear.
n/m just realized you meant verified slips.
Now lets see if anyone else in this thread actually has some legit times.
Excellent times guys :tup:
:tup: Choda :tup:
:tup: Chuck 130 trap is HOT for a street cruiser :tup:
So in conclusion :tup: x 34690722tgew
ummm where are the vids :cjerk:
glad i didnt run ya n/a I woulda lost for shizzle:rofl:
Right Click, Save As…
#1 i was outa the gear for like 2 seconds…u’ll see in the vid…yet i still managed a 117 trap
#2 my car isnt in anyway set up for the track…
#3 i suck at launching and need more practice
so if u wana start this shit up be my guest…or just come out and race
I cut 1.65 60’ on 275/50 bfg’s leaving from idle, 302ci n/a
went 8.00 and only 12.70 but I lifted w/about 100’ left
I should have brought my car I think it might’ve hit 11’s w/the good air…
those are really my times, not rounded at all, weird 8.00 and 12.70
chuck pummeled me and went [email=“11.4@130”]11.4@130
Very nice vid :tup:
doh, my bad [email=“11.4@129”]11.4@129
LOL at the firehawks 3rd race.
I think I finally found a use for this smilley?
Chuck—>:gtfo:<---- that ?? car
that opens outlook haha.
Yeah, just put a space between the “@” to not link that.
Beautiful. Whoever owns that car, feel free to link that vid in the timeslip column, and put your info in your profile. You don’t really want slow as balls Fuzzyfish and Jack to have top 5 verified slots on the time charts do you?
Do it up :tup:
Excellent way to represent. I think I should sponsor phase II next season, maybe stop playing, set the car on kill and trap 140+.
On a side note I think you need a cage now