NYIRP Results 10.30.05

I ran a 14.3@98mph:headbang:

Congrats on getting this running so well… I’m happy for you to have such a nice car. Hopefully someday I’ll be giving you guysa run… :lol: But again… good job! :tup:

:tup: to all

damn choda so close

nice ass trap firehawk :tup: 10’s r there

Ahh no loving for me,

Great times Choda I guess the heads worked. Now another +25hp from the bottle and you are solid into the 10 second zone

i got plenty of vids i can send someone if they want to host them

Great times guys! I wish I could have gone.

Then don’t make the thread…

come on guys …more vids and more time slips


My words hold true… unfortunately…

  1. Chuck ran 11s @ 130
  2. CHODA didn’t run 10s.

Sucks for you guys, but its still awesome to know that its there… you just gotta do it.

The trip back was fun… I was hoping the cam would be out… so you could see me rippin up the 20.

I should have stuck around to embarass the stang… but my man FuzzyFish held it down ok. :tup:

i sucked…as ull see in the vids…plus my car HATES me this weekend…lol…as the exhaust/egr came off on about 25 dif occations…


13.2 at 117 lol cuz after i GRANNY shifted into 2nd so i wouldnt spin…it somehow came outa gear or somethin…im still tryin to figure that out…

second…shit launch, no boost, not the greatest traction…12.5 @ 119…

third…shifted into 4th HARD, heard a squeel…a pop, and the car started rattling and wouldnt boost…again…

so all in all it was a shitty day, wish i coulda got 2x as many runs cuz i need the practice…o well…now i can fix my car///:tdown:

congrats firehawk on the 130 trap…wow

I got there ran 2 times. OOne time i was doing a little burn out to get the dirt of the wheels, my clutch stuck to the ground and wouldn’t come back up. Got some funny smell . Too many cars there and too many delays. I was bored so went home after the 2nd run. I ran 12.7 2.0x 60’ and trap 112mph. I’ve tried my best but can’t improve the ET. I guess time for better clutch and some DRs.

it’s a good day and a bad one at the same time. i went from a 17.2 1/4 in july or august to a 15.29 now but it was one of the worst starts i have ever even seen. We got there early because we hoped they would be on time. but they never are. i got one run in and was late to work. my r/t was a 1.3 :crap: 60’2.54 1/8 10.06 1/4 was a 15.2 @ 93.72 but i cant complain i am running at low boost because i just put the turbo in and shouldnt have run at all. i have not put in a vafc yet so poor tune. but i feel next year should bring 14s no problem.

^^ cut a reasonable RT and You’re in 14’s… You should be happy.

good times… congrats on 130 mph trap… thats almost bike territory :frowning: time to juice the bike

Uh R/Ts have nothing to do with his ETs.

Cut better 60’s and now we are talking 14s.

every 1/10 off 60’ GENERALLY= 2/10s off ET.

yes, I am retarded. thank You. that’s what I meant.

staging beams > rt


How about…no. :slight_smile:

I’d better see some legit timeslips and video within the next 24 hours. :cjerk:


demands ghey vids of the taurus!

wow what did u run against? lol

Had a great time, nice runs bighands, choda, and chuck(130 trap-cool!)and
I only got 3 passes in, there were over 300 cars!

I got there late, as I was finishing up a cage install on the firebird. The car had been runnin crappy runnin on 7cyl, found a burned plug, swapped it out and turned on the jooose.
On the first pass, takin it real easy outa the hole with a 1.64 60 ft., ran a [email=“10.93@126.25”]10.93@126.25
second pass, runnin dan marvin, blew the tires off, pedaled it and tried to catch up, but dan ran a 10.81 to my 11 something.
3d pass we were going to have a rematch, but the guys running the lanes squeezed in some tool and made me line up against him. Ran a [email=“11.04@124”]11.04@124 due to bottle being ice cold.