NYS has my money!!!! Yours too....


Then move, because guess what the Government takes way more then 10% of your money and you already knew that was coming, so why is it “Lame” or “Shady” or “Unethical” for someone to say, " I can find out if NYS has some of your money and return it to you -10% interest."



If you’re too dumb to look into it for yourself when someone knocks on your door and says “NYS owes you money, and for 10% I can get it back for you”, you deserve to lose the 10%.


because sooner or later it will come out on the news and they the person will feel like an idiot for not waiting 2 days later and paying 2 fuckin douche nozzles 10 percent of money they were owed.

maybe it doesn’t make sense to me but seriously being a good person and just informing your neighbors = good karma