NYSpeed 2007 EoY Awards

I are a gud spelr

Whats funny is, This board actually helped make my spelling better. LOL.


thanc yoo. I is alwais tryings tu imroov mi spelring skils and gramur.

for some reason my spelling has gone into the shithole ever seince (sp) i joined this site

  1. Biggest Post Whore - Newman

  2. Most Worthwhile Poster -

  3. Best Technical Poster (automotive related) -

  4. Funniest Poster - Fry is usually good for a laugh…the ones i understand anyway. (raze went a bit over my head). pat (psycho) is on more than not too.

  5. Most Useless Poster - speedped

  6. Poster You Wish Would Be Banned (It may happen ) -

  7. Best NSFW Poster - Spencespeed

  8. Biggest Online Dickhead But Cool In Person - sherm… for me anyway

  9. Biggest Online Dickhead But Dickhead In Person -

  10. Biggest Internet Tough Guy - ide have to say Muscle50 but its usually funny so who cares.

  11. Most Likely to Date within NYSpeed -

Actually, all joking aside, mine has improved drastically. I got sick of the constant spelling nazis lol.

motion to add

Thread on the Year (single best thread)


Thread Starter of the year (best threads overall)

well the thread of the year would go to the bills if they make the playoffs this year. thread of the centrey would be if the won the super bowl from the spot that they are at right now. hey a man can dream can’t he.

Hey I wake up every morning hoping to have a shoebox full of $50’s next to me but it never happens lol.

as i said a man can dream can’t he?

hooked up with and been seen with at places is totally different…I still Love you Chris N.

  1. Poster You Wish Would Be Banned (It may happen ): Sureshot!, just for the fact he’s still a noob and has to double post, way to go bud :wiggle:

I think its funny that I made someones list and hardly ever post…

Sure. I realize that.

I can name 5 people for sure.

ugh I am so pissed off I didn’t get to post this, and that I have to quote and agree with mrs. karus :frowning:

edit: additionally I am afraid at the amount of manlove in this thread, and find the fact that everyone calls muscle50 the biggest internet tough guy, yet then follow it up with (<3 you :kiss: :asslove: ) because you’re afraid he will punch your face in person… doesn’t that make him not an internet tough guy? lol


  1. Biggest Post Whore- Newman

  2. Most Worthwhile Poster -Carnut

  3. Best Technical Poster (automotive related)-carnut,fairgentleman z

  4. Funniest Poster- Mpd47

  5. Most Useless Poster-jespo

  6. Poster You Wish Would Be Banned (It may happen :wink: )jespo,speedped,muscle 5.0

  7. Best NSFW Poster-solo2scoob

  8. Biggest Online Dickhead But Cool In Person-mpd47

  9. Biggest Online Dickhead But Dickhead In Person-

  10. Biggest Internet Tough Guy-muscle 5.0

  11. Most Likely to Date within NYSpeed-newman

a) i think i am the least likely person to date anyone, ever.
b) there is not anyone on the forum that i would even remotely consider dating. Even if i was willing to ignore the fact that there isn’t even one remotely attractive female on the forum, they’re all fucking retards.
c) dating is for SUCKERS.

please, tell us how you really feel, this is an open community.
