NYSpeed 2007 EoY Awards

opinion not changed.

warning: all guys stay away from newman!:gay2:
lol! sorry newman had to get that shot in there

i like girls.

just not hack-busted forum sluts, thx.


warning: all guys stay away from newman!:gay2:
lol! sorry newman had to get that shot in there


You make my day, in the most no homo way there is:lolsign:



edit: that was not that funny, but i was laughing at something previous so while i was already in a laughing mood it sounded funny. i’ll leave it up there for you to decide though.

lol newman you so silly

ok i am the worst at making jokes i’ll take that award.


ok i am the worst at making jokes i’ll take that award.


It’s okay man, you try hard :tup: I’m not even being sarcastic, lol.:rx3:


ok i am the worst at making jokes i’ll take that award.


Your amazing ability to nominate yourself for categories that don’t exist is getting lame quick.:rant:


  1. Poster You Wish Would Be Banned (It may happen :wink: )muscle 5.0
  2. Biggest Internet Tough Guy-muscle 5.0


Care to elaborate, cause I really have no clue who the fuck you are, and I know I’ve never gotten into it with you so…


Care to elaborate, cause I really have no clue who the fuck you are, and I know I’ve never gotten into it with you and now I suddenly feel the need to fucking tear your esophagus out you pompous fucking fruitcake. Test me again bitch



holy shit thats scary right there…


Care to elaborate, cause I really have no clue who the fuck you are, and I know I’ve never gotten into it with you so…


well, theres number 10.




well, theres number 10.




I didn’t know we could campaign in this thread! Hold on I’ll bust out some sort of satirical google images find…

FUCKING +10 points to fry for pulling that off in 2 minutes!!




