NYSPEED Detectives Needed


sue for her ovaries so she cant have spawn


Wow… you’re one creepy mother fucker


sue for her ovaries so she cant have spawn


i lol’d :lol:

Hahah wow. Sounds like you and i date some of the same type of girls.

The notary is fucked. If it has a stamp on the document when it was notarized, she will lose her liscense and job. If your girlfriend forged both, shes in jail.

i don’t understand why your ex would bother you after she is married for all these years and obviously did something illegal. oh well

^^^^ simple, she pobably needs the $ for something

shes also obviously quite stupid and doesnt realize that vehical ovwnership leaves a papertrail

Someone run the damn vin number already, it would be interesting to know where the car is right now.