Nyspeed Dictionary

Cubaned - when someone gets ripped off , we say “he got cubaned”

I know theres plenty more :slight_smile:


Dos’ing, and everyone knows the meaning

to Janny: also well known

MikeDieter: buy all your beer 4months before carlisle

Dos’ing - to start a thread and intentionally leave out critical facts that leaves the reader pondering the true meaning of the thread.

IMO Cubaning should have multiple meanings:

Cubaning 2: potraying a superhero and or male model, did i mention aerospace engineer?

beck bait

She was hot as fuck, but then I saw her ID and realized she was beck bait

Lafengas’ing - to start a thread and intentionally add unrelated facts in order to confuse the reader, leading to wild guesses about what your ACTUALY doing


I saw a chevy cavalier with 40 grand into it run a 13, tottaly viper966’s out

zerodazing - to prey on small children at western new york playgrounds

zwarbiting - to pretend that they own a mid '90’s mini van when in fact they own several super cars

howie’ing - to fit in a car that was clearly not made for “bigger” Asian men

addictedtoboosting - to attend cheerleading competitions and pay several girls on a local squad to say their your sisters so you can “help them stretch”

rx3ing - to never complain about anything and to have a “go with the flow” attitude. also known to a star in pornographic “documentaries”

kingsarioing - not posing for 6 months then all of the sudden “WHAM IM A POST WHORE”

Rubricanting - one that does no work and feels the need to share nerd information with a car forum

To JEG (Jeging) : Highly opinionated with lack of intelligence. Also must use terrible mother jokes, and threaten to beat people up. See also “internet hardass”, “racist”, and “incest”

:rofl: this thread rules

Somedude’ing - to modify a car with very high mileage, and to do so sucessfully. Tends to piss people off when they loose. See also “adding insult to injury”

and then wind up not going… 2 years in a row

Ghettostyle’ing : when your friends print out 60+ slips of paper with an annoying phrase on them, and hide them all over your appaartment for you to find. can also result in important college papers being printed out w/ said phrase on the back, because someone reinserted said printouts in your printer tray

“we printed out 'dude, what are you doing for carlisle?” 100 times and hid them all over Joel’s appt, he was finding them for months… he totaly got ghettostyled"

to Newman:

  1. To slid into a curb and wreck parts of car.

To Zwarbyt: to take ones photos and keep them, even after repeated attempts by photo owners to reclaim them.

hahaha zing!

ooooooooooooo burn



verb; to drive your own car and to shift from 5th gear to 2nd gear over revving engine and turning pistons into tinfoil and giving valves 90 degree bends


skunking is when you do that w/ your own car

"midge’ing is when you do that with a car that doesnt belong to you
