Mikes98RT’ing : to never make you own decision without making a 10 page thread about it first. ; also see Mike24Ri’ing.
skunked “to miss shift”
dude i was racing a camaro, i had him, then i skunked the 2-3 shift
Personally I think cu-boned sounds better.
For example:
Chino got cu-boned in ass when he sold that computer to him.
ok…hate all of you
take it one step further…
because we all know he wont be boning anybody anytime soon…
HRK’ing -
to drift a vehical that shouldnt be drifted - “he HRK’ed that turn with the school bus, i didnt think that was possible”
to sucesssfully turbo a vehical that shouldnt be turbo’ed - “he HRK’ed the engine in that yugo, and its still going strong”
to have an engine not blow up (against all odd’s) - “i expected the engine to get Skunked, but it HRK’ed instead”
and then never really doing anythign anyway at all. except blowing up your truck.
HotRodKid - To touch a part on someones show car against the wishes of the owner of said show car.
Did you just see that c-sucker hodrodkid my manifold??
Woody - To take blinging hot chrome rims and autozone paint them flat black
Yo man…those rims is blindin me fool…they need to be woodied!
GSX - To total everything you get behind the wheel of
I am sorry son, you can’t take out moms car…you might gsx it
2turboZ/FDJones - To sink a years income into a car and then sell it without full enjoying the finished product.
I am just gonna shop for cars that have been 2turboz’d or FDJones’d…
bravo sir, bravo :lol: i’ll have to point this out to justin haha
Choko (Chokoed) - to go from one extreme to another when it comes to car models.
Ex. Hes starting to choko, He started off with trucks, than moved to f-body’s, than conquests, and now hes buying a j-body
See also: way too much money
only applies if the person in question is totaly hammered at time of said touching. bonus points if theve been wandering around in the sun all day
HRK - to start a thread with the facade of welcoming other members thoughts when in fact his true intention is to talk about himself with pre-written statements after people start posting.
Locutus’ing: to fix peoples hard drives, just to get the chance to peek at their noods.
Beck /becking 1.) to be full of ones self too the point of attention whoreing. Too produce false stories about oneself in order to bolster ones already inflated ego.
2.)Too be 20+ years old and still pursue a person (or persons) of significant lesser age, purely for sexual pleasure. One than must brag about it online to cover up the fact that they are indeed, just a closet petofile
Butch/Butching: 1.) to cover up ones true age for pure personal reasons
2.) to serve as a type of enforcement figure at local automotive meets and to use excessive force if necessary to rid fore mentioned meet of toolboxes
See also : Triassic Period
Butching would be
to serve as a type of enforcement figure at local automotive meets and to use excessive force if necessary to rid fore mentioned meet of toolboxes