Nyspeed Dictionary

fixed :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah thanks fuckbags

Beck is not 21.

to estrovito or slang a jojo---- to assemble something under the influence of goya brand drinks for inspiration,usually resulting in a good end product


dosing: to IM me everytime I make a update to my website.

jojoed: to buy fellow ny speed members’ used parts to make the ultimate fodo sleeper. Hopefully he wont skunk it

dreiding: to be so in debt with cc bills that he wont be able to build anything kinda quick for a while. also to ask questions about stangs that he wont own for atleast another 2 years. Also willing to sell his son to make a profit. I sell everything.

There should be a rule, no one can make up their own definition.

i love this thread… hahaha


jojoed: to buy fellow ny speed members’ used parts to make the ultimate fodo sleeper. Hopefully he wont skunk it

to estrovito or slang a jojo---- to assemble something under the influence of goya brand drinks for inspiration,usually resulting in a good end product


Dos’ed, to be- 1.) See also murphy’s law. The Act of having absolutely nothing go right when starting a well planned project.
2.) to pour a deep staining red beverage on ones-self while having a warddrobe consisting of nothing but white shirts.

to be MPD47’d - you don’t know shit noob, and you just been corrected. listen to this guy, hes seen and done it all. your car isnt an '80s porsche and it sucks and cant turn. might as well not even post anymore

to be FairGentlemanTouched - isn’t it funny how my pos tin-can can out turn yo wack $$$ kaa?! you might as well sell yo ka cuz i can beat you in a turn yo !!1!!!1!1111

01AudiS4’ing - to restart car well driving to fix tranny issue because hes to lazy to buy a new sensor

VTEC (vE-têc) n. - 1. A mystical device that when so equipped can make just about anything better. Even though few actaully know what it does, and how it works.
2. Makes your car faster
3. Make your toast toastier
4. Works with anything to make it 100% or more better.

5: eats dog’s
6: eats k20’s

rx3ification-v-(are ecks three if eh kay shun): locking threads to a point where it seems as if the interweb is wearing a chastity belt.

Hatchet Wound - hatch·et [hach-it] woo-nd [wound] n.
A woman vagina and surrounding external area. Also known as meat curtains, snot wallet, bone collector, etc.

E.G. I busted a nut all up in her hatchet wound, now she’s preggo.

Euro - adj. - Describes a vehicle modified to look as if it is from or in Europe.

“Check out my euro switch. It matches my euro plate.”

See also “The New JDM”

Carnutting - car·nut·ting [kar-nut-ting] v.

To lose patience randomly and go into angry fits, and perhaps resemble one with Tourettes.

E.G. I was having great sex with this girl and I tried to stick it in her two hole. After that she was carnutting till I forced her to suck my dick.

silvergt- to take an intrest in something resulting in a long post and out of left feild sneeks in a low ball. ex.FS — ----- ---- $3800or best offer. blah blah for 15 lines of post" I got 200 on it"