Nyspeed Dictionary

WGFletch’ing - the act of bumping your FS: thread every 20 minutes

bump whore

Rocliffe: 1.) to engage in vigorous homosexual activity utilizing multiple partners.
2.) to believe 15 seconds is rediculously fast

The “Cuse”: 1.) A place lacking in anything entertaining. Person(s) living in the said area usualy spend time practicing Incestuous relations.
See also: Rocliffe

3.) to be extremely cocky, while having nothing to be cocky about.
4.) to buy an already heavily built car, put stickers on it, and pass it off as something you built yourself (SEE: woody’ing.)
5.) to tell kids you’re going to buy a huge turbo for your single cam d16 just to make them think you’re fucking rad, but you really wont.
6.) to attempt to copy one christian trevor newman in every concevable way possible.


is that the name of the newman? hmmm

to be Newmaned - see spell-checker

Jann (jan) v. - 1. The process of hitting a stationary object. 2. Placing blame on something/someone other than yourself. 3. To correct one’s grammar mistakes.

-That car totally janned that curb.
-The bitch with the coffee janned a ton of money, from McDonalds.
-Janny is janning JEG’s post again.

Jam (jam?) a. - 1. Badass
See also: Jambo, legendary, 94glxlolwtfiroffledvr6

HRKing: see hack

muscle50 scenario - Overdose of mountain dew resulting in random outbursts of the phrase " DEWWWW IT ".

Kranglickoving - Obsession with hockey, forcing the delusion that you’re in the NHL and growing a playoff beard for the entire hockey season. see the bearded russian

“The Stairs” - Having problems with obsticles that take you to different levels resulting knee scrapings and/or embarassment.

Bartosiewiczing - To randomly crash into someone/thing with ones head knocking item over along with self. This is in no waiii associated with boost obsession.

Cheat codes - commonly used by the one they call “chara” to gain advantage in Hockey events. see BLKGSR

Blue Shorts - A technique used by some men to catch a football with any extremity no matter how painful. see case Howie vs. nerf football 1 or case 2…same day

Gazelling - To run with great leg extension and straight back while holding video camera to capture the greatest of events with precision. Also see Onyxification


good ole dave. you can always count on him for the lowball

Howieism (how-wee-is-em)

Any person having a freakishly huge-enormous head with the holding capacity of two “Super Gulp” Slushies. Easily identified because of their stretched out shirt collars, forehead rug burns from being overly top heavy, and general discontent from others while at seated sporting events and movie theaters.

See also: Daddie Syndrome.



94WVWGLXVR6ing - never actually owning a respectable or even modded car but talking shit to everybody anyway like you do.

“dudebro drives a kackord and is totally 94WVWGLXVR6ing everyone on teh board”

<3 you jamo

It just rolllllllls of the tongue.


I think Jamed/Jaming would have fit better.

i was just going with the trend of using everyones nyspeed names

jaming would be much better fit.


mordaking- the act of doing something illegal, then calling the cops on yourself; having the intelligence of a cabbage.