im putting away my daily driver neon for the winter next month and since im giving it away to my brother (turning 16) im finally doing the timing belt and HG and water pump after 14 years of the car being in my family
i plan on just having a regular valve job done at napa but the question i had was that is it possible to swap out pistons, and change all the bearings without having to go through the whole 900$ assembly charge of cleaning the block, boring it out, and checking all the surfaces i did with my turbo car at J&L
ive never personally rebuilt an engine, only done headgaskets and timing belts on other cars
the only reason i wanna freshen up the bottom end is because the car runs on 50% lucas and 20w50 cause its had piston slap for the last 30000 miles, and if ya run anything thinner then the above its loud as Fawq
j&L said it could blow up tomoorow or last forever with the slap
if its an easy enough thing to do without getting too crazy, id like to do it myself and maybe hire somebody to give me a hand, i dont trust the haynes manual to do this sort of repair on my own
with rebuilding an engine you HAVE to do the machine work, especially with high miles. don’t half ass it and leave him stranded. just swap a lower miles motor and call it a day.
Get the engine out, stick it on a stand and get to it. As long as you have all the proper literature, tools, and take things slow it’ll be a great learning experience.
SWap the motor out. If you like rebuild the motor you plan on swapping just to be on the safe side. But with a rebuild. Specially if you are taking the head off. It is always good as a rule of thumb to take the head to a shop and have it decked. Just to make sure it is completely straight. What year is your neon btw? I had to do a timing belt on my mother in law’s neon. The Timing belt tensioner was like 400 bucks and hard as hell to find. SO if you do get a motor to swap, make sure that it has the cheap comonly found tensioner. I have no idea what it looks like. But the expencive tensioer is mounted on an aluminum bracket that resembles the old Cingular symbol. Will try to find some pics for you.
Was it the same type of tensioner? Where did you find the kit? LOl I f i remember my first post on nyspeed was “neon help wanted” or some crap like that lol
over the winter i had an air pocket in my beater after i changed out the antifreeze, i was pegged past H for 11 miles till i got home and i was too unpatient for AAA, shit held like nothing ever happend, not saying it was thanks to lucas that the HG didnt go, but the oil didnt over heat and lose its proper visocity