NYspeed fantasy hockey league

anyone have a fantasy hockey league going? i kind of want to jump in if its not too late…

Edit: screw it, i started my own. send a PM if you want to join.

we already had our draft

i totally forgot to make one this year :frowning:

yeah im in 3


i totally forgot to make one this year :frowning:


make one, ill join. im sure i can find at least a few more people

I’d like to get in on one.


woody good game on tuesday, btw i want in on one

ill play, tmaniaci@buffalo.edu



pm’s and email invites sent. get in!

draft is on tuesday at 12:30pm


woody good game on tuesday, btw i want in on one


thanks buddy, you too.

all signed up

4 people are in the league, 4 more invites / pm’s are out. we need at least 2 more before tuesday to keep the league. feel free to invite anyone you want.

FYI: this is a manual draft. if you guys want an automatic i can start another league. i cant change it now.

7 people in the league, some more invites are out. still have room for more!

my cousin said he’s in, i sent him the info ( Blkgsr on here ) :tup:

9 people in the league atm. room for one more unless jay’s cousin signs up. it needs to be full before 12:30 today.

draft is tomarrow at 12:30pm

so what if i have class at 12:30 tomorrow? will it do an auto draft if i dont show up for it? I’de rather not have to skip class for it.

oh shit, 12:30 pm as in during the day? how is that gonna work? lol

well i figured most people go on lunch around noon…and thats the best time for me…so i win :slight_smile: i would have done it at night but i figured i would forget about it and go out to do somthing. this way ill check it while im on lunch at work.

if youre not available, it will just pick from your draft list. so put who you want in your top like 40 and you should be ok i guess