NYSpeed Golf Crew: Question

Anyone know a driving range around here where you can hit off grass and your own tees, as opposed to the mats and those rubber joints? I need to find out if these new tees I got are going to work for me.

Airport Driving range, not sure if they are open for the season yet though

The sweet spot in Hamburg is where i used to go. They have more grass than mats

Yeah Airport is good for that…on S. Youngs near Wherle

ah perfect, close to me and everything. Lets see if they’re open yet

their open

they’re as in They Are open … not the possessive their

edit: sorry tired and cranky

Most driving range’s aren’t opposed if the netting extends that far.

yea the airport range has been open for a few weeks now.

the hideaway in lackawanna has a nice grass area

The broadway driving range has some grass tee boxes.

They are open. I go there with Skurge on lunch break.

actually dude, their is a super cheap one behind that nursery on clinton. The one right near vinnys. the nursery owns it. I wanna go golfing sometime this week if its nice. Go to bobolinks a couple times and tear up that shitty course before i go nehwere nice.