Nyspeed Hoodie?


+1. That is not a bad idea at all.


+1 because mine would be the best :slight_smile:

i want pink on black. or something girly.

i love hoodies i would buy one


i want pink on black. or something girly.


Good luck with that one…

I’d take one.

i say black w/ dark grey logo… or dark blue w/dark grey logo

Kelly green with grey logo.

id take one

why the fuck not

Quick PS but you get the picture.


i still want to incorporate the word n00ds somehow.

“nyspeed” on the front.
“we’re just here for n00ds” on the back.

are you guys in or is it just dawn and i who want teh n00ds?

it looks like we’re the only one who wants teh n00dz. oh well. it means we’re cooler.

im still waiting for my nyspeed tshirt from carlisle 2 years ago…


Quick PS but you get the picture.


:tup: i like that

I would rock one.

only think is with names on the back do you really want yours to say “I have an std”>?
Some people may or maynot want usernames on it, i personally would like it. So yeah what would the price range be, 20 to 30 bucks, if it is im definately in

ps we all love the n00ds but 70% of the time they fail to deliver
