Choose your style of logo (white logo for dark shirts, dark logo for light shirts or full color logo)
Choose your style of shirt or hoodie and color (price depends on what color and type of clothing you’re buying)
Choose if you want the logo on the back or the front
Choose your size
Add to cart and pay
Your items are shipped to you
Simple right?
The prices are not the cheapest as you’re also paying for shipping and the convenience of buying exactly what you want / when you want it, but it’s better than paying up front, waiting months for them to be made, etc.
Here’s the catch… I’ve never actually seen their product BUT I have read reviews that the shirts are good quality and I found the site via FinalGear who’s using them as well.
These are FinalGear’s shirt samples NOT ours (obviously) :
I’m going to order soon for myself to check out the quality :tup:
This is an awesome idea Josh. I will be going with a black or charcoal with the standard logo. I just picked up two shirts from Scott, my shirt collection is growing!