Probability of picking all numbers? 0.00000000569114597006 It doesn’t change when you buy 20 tickets.

You suck at math.

Thats unpossible.


SHIT :frowning:

I still have to go to work tommorow.

soooo, what Your trying to say is that we didnt win…?


$36 gone… that coulda been a couple of cases of beer :frowning:

But, I’ll pitch in next round too.

Ummm yeah from the little research I have done, buying multiple tickets does increase your chances of winning, but it does it so slighltly that you areaactually better off buying 1 ticket per drawing. . .

Can I buy one after the drawing if you guys win???

i dont even think we even won a free ticket.

next drawing

Next Jackpot: $225 million
Next Drawing: Tues, Nov 8

i like nicks idea better.

use all contributed money to buy cases of beer. then drink said beer.

ya’ll lost.


i will be in for the next one :slight_smile:

i want a refund.

there was nothin in the first thread that said we weren’t going to win.

Do you have to be a US resident to win? :smiley:

What he said!

haha i feel so much better that i didnt buy like 20 tickets now.


i couldnt live with myself if you guys won and i didnt participate

i’m down for next week again, maybe i’ll buy a few more this time around.


anyone want to get in on some shit this week?
if not, no biggie.

considering its tonight…

i will have my winning ticket soon :slight_smile:

Forgot about the Tuesday drawing… not in.

werd. if i don’t win tonight, we will have to do it up for the next drawing