Probability of picking all numbers? 0.00000000569114597006 It doesn’t change when you buy 20 tickets.
You suck at math.
Probability of picking all numbers? 0.00000000569114597006 It doesn’t change when you buy 20 tickets.
You suck at math.
Thats unpossible.
I still have to go to work tommorow.
soooo, what Your trying to say is that we didnt win…?
$36 gone… that coulda been a couple of cases of beer
But, I’ll pitch in next round too.
Ummm yeah from the little research I have done, buying multiple tickets does increase your chances of winning, but it does it so slighltly that you areaactually better off buying 1 ticket per drawing. . .
Can I buy one after the drawing if you guys win???
i dont even think we even won a free ticket.
next drawing
Next Jackpot: $225 million
Next Drawing: Tues, Nov 8
i like nicks idea better.
use all contributed money to buy cases of beer. then drink said beer.
i want a refund.
there was nothin in the first thread that said we weren’t going to win.
Do you have to be a US resident to win?
What he said!
haha i feel so much better that i didnt buy like 20 tickets now.
i couldnt live with myself if you guys won and i didnt participate
i’m down for next week again, maybe i’ll buy a few more this time around.
anyone want to get in on some shit this week?
if not, no biggie.
considering its tonight…
i will have my winning ticket soon
Forgot about the Tuesday drawing… not in.
werd. if i don’t win tonight, we will have to do it up for the next drawing