NYSpeed Polo, Tees, & Hoodies (Updated 10/10/2011 with POLL)




that was assumed…no need to fix.

Speaking of hoodies…

I really don’t want to go through cuban for these…

BUMP, let’s do this again.


Pm toda, he will help you. He did a great job setting it up for ubrf.

We should do this and have each person’s screen name printed on the shirt. That way when you see someone who sucks, you can punch them in there fucking retarded face

So I should assume that you will not be ordering one?

Do I have to shave my nipples if I get the camisole?

No need- Still wearing my ubrf hoodie.


We haven’t had a run of NYSpeed shirts in a long time…

I’d really like a NYSpeed polo or hoodie, I figured if we can set something up that’d be awesome

I’d buy a nys polo. I still have my tee and hoodie.

I’d buy a hoodie if you made them.

I’d buy some stuff as well Josh.

I would be in for a polo or hoodie depending on the pricing.

I added a poll to gauge what people would like, but we’re only going to pick ONE product to start. And it’s going to take the right amount of pre-orders to pull it off.

Keep in mind that T-Shirts are usually pretty cheap, polo’s get a bit more expensive (embroidering) and unless you want a shit hoodie you’ll be paying a good amount.

  1. This should be in a new thread so that it is not confused with all of the other stuff in here
  2. I am in for 2 polo’s
  3. I will buy a couple more to use as a giveaway if we can come up with a cool contest and we need more to make the order happen.

It will be in a new thread once we determine what we’ll actually order :slight_smile:

As long as they don’t have a lame design, I’d be in for either a t-shirt or hoodie.