NYSpeed presents...

It’s like a dream come true.

Josh was one of the only UBRF guys to ever come up to me at Starbucks and say, “hi, I’m Josh”

OK help the fat kid out here …

define in NYSpeed terms

  1. “mod”
  2. “admin” (the new green people)
  3. “jr mod” MIB(I know this one)

Ok… Well at this moment we are working on consolidating that into a more noticeable breakout.

Admins - Howie, Josh, Bing, Myself
Mods - Everyone else that is green at the moment.

I will make it easier to differentiate over the next few hours and days, but like we said any changes will be gradual.

I am trying not to break the board as I update things.

Moderators are usually there to make enforce the rules, clean up conversations, and make sure to just generally keep things in-line. Sort of like policemen.

Administrators will be doing things to make this site better. They will be the ones making decisions on the general direction of things and probably also handling advertisers.

Will this involve slowly merging “osyn’s” mission and activities into nyspeeds agenda, or will they still severe as their own entities?

I feel that to combine them could yield great things :slight_smile:

Over at the mazdaspeed forums there is actually a chat window on the main page… is that a possibility for this version of the forums?

That’d be a pretty interesting addition…

OSYN will still be the media / events / track day arm, but it will also become more integrated with NYSpeed. :tup:

big :tup:, i’m looking forward to this

awww and here i thought we’d do more motorsports here :stuck_out_tongue:

No, no - we will :slight_smile:

The problem is that we can’t just merge our OSYN stuff with NYSpeed because a lot of our members there are Canadians.

Good stuff. :tup: Should be some cool stuff in the future.

Very exciting news :tup:


Good deal, big step in the right direction.

yay :slight_smile: more nice mods!

so i noticed you guys are changing some stuff and i also noticed we can’t edit sigs now. I’m guessing theres some setting that got changed somewhere?


Better stretch out those creamy white hamstrings!

Josh …Bing we need karma back!!!