NYSpeed Track Day #2 - Friday August 3rd, 2007

It’ll easily fill. I’d buy a spot, but I’ve made a promise to myself to not buy any mods or track days until the car actually runs.

I just donno if I’m gonna be in town (almost certainly NOT at this point, I think I leave on business the 28th of July), or I’d be all over this.

Clone yourself. Send clone on business trip. You come to Dunville.

[joestypes] PROFIT. [/joestypes]

Why has no one signed up for this

I’m sure it will fill up. If it doesn’t, I’ll just farm out the spaces to some of our Canadian friends :tup:

i think people dont want to lock down until the 1st one happens, after that it should fill up fast…

onyx i just sent the paypal

what the fuck, i just signed up for this and 2 days later i got sprung on me that i have to be in NYC for that date, if anyones going to sign up for this, can they do me a favor and just get me $50, otherwise ill have to try to pawn it off to my friends and id rather not be paid in beer…

payment sent for aug. 3rd. I’ll be ready for this one.

If I wasn’t getting married on the 4th…

Already half way filled :tup:

the SE-R will be there

i want to register so bad but i don’t know if the sho will be ready :frowning:

Payment sent Josh :tup:

I think Xander also paid you at the track too.

Thanks man :headbang:


Only 10 spots left!

I will go…but only to spectate

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:74,topic:26322"”]

Only 10 spots left!


Make that 9. I will give you cash when I next see you.

Payment sent today! God I cannot wait for this! I’m still hyped up from yesterday, LOL!

Only 8 spots left!

Is there anyone out there who wouldn’t mind flagging? Someone who isn’t going to be driving maybe? 2TurboZ?

I’d like to be able to film a lot more than I did last time.

Also, expect several changes to the rules PDF. Now that we’ve done several of these days, we need to update it. :tup:

I will likely be bringing my grill/tent. I’ll do alittle flagging (like last time) but anyone who does for an extended period of time will have free food on me (burgers/hot dogs or if I can get brent to do food too).

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:78,topic:26322"”]

Is there anyone out there who wouldn’t mind flagging? Someone who isn’t going to be driving maybe? 2TurboZ?:tup:


I think 2TurboZ is raising his hand, without even realizing it. I think its a good idea for him to flag, since he won’t have a running car to drive anytime soon:smash2: