NYSpeed Watkins Glen (IRL) Showcase - Discussion & Photos

The brake lights occasionally stay on bec. the pedal is rock hard (from the factory), and the switch will still be on if the pedal is hanging a tit bit. The pedal just don’t spring back like a normal pedal should. No problem, only it looks like I’m riding my brakes.

I think my turbo is fine. I will be pulling off the intake and air cleaner today to verify some things. I spoke with about 5 Lotus guys yesterday, explaining everything that went on, they all think my turbo is fine and that it’s PCV related.

Will update soon. And thanks Jay, I take it in stride, haha. It’s the only way…

And Paulo’s right…it’s like looking after a mentally retarded child…just takes that extra effort and care…

And mine on Sunday. I had wayyyy to much to drink on Friday morning considering where I ended up like 40 minutes later. “Hey, put these sway bars on”. :bloated:

can you change the spring or something to fix the pedal?

yea not what you had in mind huh lol

Not exactly… but I made some cool contacts, met Steve Dinan, and have potential to get further into the sport (which is what I am aiming for obviously).

for sure man, making good contacts was pretty much what that was all about! now convince them you want to drive :wink: haha

Umm…maybe…I’m sure something can be done. I don’t really mind it. It’s just how they all are, and I’m kind of used to it. Adds more British charm to the car.

damn you guys got to drive on the track too!!! now im pissed i didnt go

as in the bmw S2-M3 guy?


it’s okay, they parked a fake GTR, automatic, stock R33 in your spot.

hahaha. Yeah that made US wish you made it too.

I decided to come to the event last minute, and as such hadn’t read anything about it in the original thread. Didn’t know until a few hours before the parade laps that we were getting to do them… was definitely a nice “surprise,” and I was grinning for a long time afterwards.

Oh yeah, the one with the same horsepower as my SS because he had nitrous?

I had to clean bullshit off my shoes for the whole rest of the day because of him

As in:



heres some photos i took. most of them werent completely in focus
heres the rest… http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y133/naaby2687/watkins%20glen/

lol… I had no idea I was that far out of the car shrug

This is photoshop material right here…

yea yea yea… i still had a valid excuse though haha

looks like an awesome time. Thanks for the pics