O M G the day has come. [STARCRAFT II NYEAHHHHH!!!]


that is by FAR the gayest nerdiest thing I’ve heard on here…do you guys EVER get laid???


I would rock your world.

Cast + 15 to pimpness



that’s what my phatty salary is for, pimping the bitches



that’s what i like to do, pick up some bar sluts by flashing a few Gs at the club. then when i get them home, i’ll make 'em sit on the floor and watch me play video games till they want to leave. if they can sit through 2 hours of video games they’ve earned some dick, and i’ll know they are a keeper.


bring it


consider it brung

p.s. no ass attack

I just watched the gameplay vid, a black hole against BCs??? damnnn

that mothership prolly will have a weakness to something (aka sci vessel : EMP) that is cheap to build

they did not have enough bcs plus they were not upgraded, I cannot wait to see what new terran units are made besides the reapers. The terran always lacked ground offense, siege were better for D, vultures were useless, goliaths were too slow, firebats killed your own units, marines die in 2 hits from anything

goliaths were too slow?

have you seen the ones in Brood wars? They are retarded. A 12 pack of goliaths will eat up anything short of 8 BCs/Carriers NASTY range

In the regular, yes, they sucked ass. Stimpacked marines were ridiculous lol. And nothing made me smirk more than when retards send 1000s of zerglings only to be met by my 12 firebats lol

I did not play the expansion much but i do remember the goliaths having that extra range upgrade, stim was sweet since they would die quickly anyways but would get a lot more dmg in, stim was espeically useful in a lot of use map settings games

blizzard will prolly take at least a year to release this if not more, i will be the guy waiting for the store to open the day it releases if i cannot reserve it.

I use to go base raping with reavers or seige tanks via dropship/shuttle. a team of either of those will level an enemy base almost instantly. and with a few other units to protect them, it works beautifully.

A-firmative sir! /Monty Burns

I hope the hilarious quotes are back from the characters.

Seige tank " what IS your major malfuntion"

Among many other comedic lines

or when you stimm(steroids) them they go awwwwww thats the stuff


Stimpacked marines were ridiculous lol.


M+M was a favorite strat of mine :slight_smile:


One of the first, still one of the best.

Online play through bnet, custom maps that you could spend a lifetime on and never get bored (or play the way it was made to be played [rts]).

I do believe it was the first game with 3 different races and 3 different unit sets.

And like others said, its probably the most balanced rts ever.


total annihilation was very balanced also, custom made units, etc…


that is by FAR the gayest nerdiest thing I’ve heard on here…do you guys EVER get laid???


I get laid while playing Starcraft. bitches be makin’ my Goliath tanks siege yo.

your cock is under attack


lol fucking nerds

Dude blowing my load is like a yamoto cannon, it charges up and then right as it blows i make the proper sound as it fires into her face

$250 SC statue straight from blizzard, lol


If I had money to blow randomly. I would most definitely blow it on that.

this game is gonna be siqq, cant wait