O M G the day has come. [STARCRAFT II NYEAHHHHH!!!]

would be sweet to have, could go right next to the diablo af i have from buying the game back in the day

That thing is so BA, I may get it with part of my next pay check :slight_smile: I mean c’mon, it weights 17lbs! What better way to get laid than saying you have a 17lbs Starcraft statue.


That thing is so BA, I may get it with part of my next pay check :slight_smile: I mean c’mon, it weights 17lbs! What better way to get laid than saying you have a 17lbs Starcraft statue.


Fuck yeah, that was exactly what I was thinking.

I used to come home from school everyday freshman and sophmore year and play that game. Me and my one friend, started out bsing by creating 4vs1 or 5vs1 comp stomps, then bs everyone, by the time we wer sick of the game we were bsing and destroying people several times a day in 7vs1 comp stomps. Good times. Cant wait till SC2. used to play WoW, yes i will admit it what u gonna do about it. But out of nowhere i just got sick of it.


That thing is so BA, I may get it with part of my next pay check :slight_smile: I mean c’mon, it weights 17lbs! What better way to get laid than saying you have a 17lbs Starcraft statue.


Buy it, then take it on a trip to Korea.

That really was a great game.

more updates on http://www.starcraft2.com/index.xml?tab=news

they are pulling in so many new things, it may be hard to keep up :frowning:


love it

awesome link brah

lol, play by play commentary . good stuff though, hopefully it is out by next christmas

You have never seen the korean tournaments that are all over youtube then lol.

Just search for boxer

FUCK, I was hoping the website would have kept us updated on the new units. I had never heard of the hellion or maurader untill watching this.

Maurader + reaper ftw?

my concern is gonna be that protoss :snky: warp bullshit.

We shall see.

now being able to warp via every pylon is kinda cool, i am more worried on what happens with zerg in play. Any more links to videos?

Thats the only one thus far.

Hopefully it will be a weekly occurrence (lol yeah right)

Also awaiting updates for my beloved zerg


Looks like your day as come


Terran vs Zerg

Pretty awesome battle of tech vs expanding and this def proves that SC2 will not be like WC3 where you have a 12 unit army and win.

Nice vid.

Zerg guy had it in the bag, then blew it, wtf.

From the grave…

Battle report 3!