O2 sensor problems : Toyota camry

2000 Toyota Camry, 4 cylinder, California emmisions car.

The 2nd bank (by the cat) 02 sensor (pre cat) seems to not be showing up on my friends scanner at all. Car throws a check engine light. Code is something to do with a failed emmisions component.

Called toyota, has 2 kinda of 02 sensors. An A/F one (as they call it) and a regular one.

Guy at toyota doesn’t know which one to put in. (even with vin)

Which one goes in there? (Pre cat, right by cat)

i woudl say since its a CA Emissions car i would say A/F one

Ca car, pre cat should be the A/f one as that is the one that controls the fuel mixture for the motor. The “regular” one should be there to just check that the cat is functioning properly

Why would not “register” on the scan tool?

cheap scan tool??

have you tried more than one scan tool

also i just noticed, how can a 4 cylinder have a second bank