o2 sensor

i need a new o2 sensor on my Rb20

could i just use a Z32 o2 sensor or do i have to get a OEM sensor ??

if i could use the Z32 sensor then would there be any concerns ?

yep, Z32 will work fine!!!

Early S13’s came with small bung o2 sensors so that can be a problem for you. If you do have small bung I have used ones in stock.

how can it be a problem ?

becuase i do have an early s13 … 1989 to be exact but it has RB20 … soo … explain ?

RB20 should be okay, Early S13 SR and CA’s use a small o2 bung and small bun o2 sensors are not avlable in Canada as far as I know. Getting a normal bung elbow and o2 sensor makes everything easy! R32 RB26’s are small bung aswell :frowning:

alright sweet thanx :smiley: