Oakmont Area

alright that would be cool, i just got a sony handycam for christmas maybe we can get a bunch of us together make a nice video of a bunch of us and are you AWD

picks up and moves away from springdale

you can move in with me, we have a big yard and a fence, it will feel just like back home (mexico)

better have a sandbox

oh I do

oh i am sooooo in, by chance do you have any el caminos!?!?!?!

nope, fwd. with an lsd that dosent help when BOTH tires spin

i used to live in Verona almost 10 years ago

i can address the el camino situation will just need to supply you own blocks though

i used to live in oakdale for school i lived on seminary ave and then i moved to a apt. by the fire station that was a corner apt. right by this family owned deli/convient store.


i live in oakmont, work at vocellis pizza. i always see that orange supra. have a few things up my sleeves to be unveiled this summer :wink:

i also do free lance photography on the side… if anyone is ever interested

uh oh, truckel still work at vocellis?

we order there often, prob saw you once or twice. are you at the one next to the subway?

I haven’t seen either truxel brother around for quite awhile


i don’t know anyone named truxel… in fact, we lost so much staff lately its not funny lol, kind of in a driver crunch

no offense, but i dont really like [your] food. so when im in the mood for a salad and dont feel like driving to chillis…ill order from you. lol

If I wasnt moving to LV id come down and help ya out…

lol i get it a lot, people always prefer veltre’s or pizza hut. the pizza i could pass on unless i’m really in the mood, but i really do like our wings, breadsticks, and paninis.

I drove for pizza hut before. their foods kinda rough. i have to be in the mood for it.

vocelis i just cant stand and very pricy for lil amount. cant really go wrong with a salad ya know…lol

Do you work tonight, lol im hungry and on my way home.

i live right up the road from dela sellas…they are not very nice people, and when I got it, they just threw in old cold slices in the oven. it was gross…

im having bad luck w/ pizza. lol

wtf. nobody cares about pizza.