Oasis24-7's bike was just stolen

yo brent sending u pix rom end of last summer bump and if any one sees this bike i can get any where in the city in 15 min on my r6 with my mossy 500 on my back, cowboys and motherfucken robers

i think you meant to say either:

Cowboys and Indians


Cops and Robbers

lmfao, i see how you could mix the two?:uhh:

sorry to hear that man …

^^^ amazing… and its quoted so it wont be changed

ya i always lock my forks if my bike is out of sight. if someone is gonna take it, they are gonna have a bitchin time trying to move it.

:lol: creative.

This is my biggest fear. My friend has insurance on theft on his bike but I am so paranoid about shit like this.

lol at people thinking that locking the steering actually does anything to prevent theft.

it. doesnt.

not for you. you just fire it up and wheelie away!

lol. video coming soon.

jerk. <3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D96QM-lzLM8 the magic happens at 3 minutes. but for a reality check at how easy this happens. < 30 seconds after they touch it, its gone.

WillyBeen: The one wheel bandit

the one on raintree is my cousin Jill. Her’sis lowwered and got a lil rash on it.

so was his. it didn’t really have any rash though.

pics of cousin?

makes me sick… but then again i would never park my bike there to begin with. It’s rediculous nonetheless…

sorry no pics

we need to find this shit


good luck man… i KNOW that i will recognize it if i see it out on the streets, it’s a pretty hot bike. eyes = peeled.

I feel so terrible about this. This really blows. I’ve been eye’ing down every bike I see. I’m ready to chase at any time.

I’m sorry to hear it man. :frowning:

:frowning: I’ll talk to my buddies that live in NT for ya hopefully its still around that area.

Kind of sucks when you pulled me over to tell me that it got yanked. I asked a few people around the area if it came by, no one was really paying attention :frowning:

Best of luck.