Obama worries Liberals

Do you know who you’re asking?

wow jeg that was srsly so stupid.



So much for being trendy to vote for a candidate!

I’d rather see a cabinet full of centralists then hard left or right. Atleast most of them have a balanced head and approach. When the scale is tipped to far one way or the other retarded choices are made.

Give him a chance and see what happens… I think he’s made well balenced decisions for the cabinet so far.

We see who is still wearing the home-made Obama 08 t-shirts now.

Holy shit, he’s not even in office yet!

OMG! Obama is appointing a cabinet based on experience and knowledge of the position instead of just their political party?


:lol: just imagine when he is

My point here, is that if you look at the individuals he is appointing, and THEIR individual track records you see he is appointing some really hardline people that have pushed some really scary agendas in the past.

Rahm Emanual, was quoted at a dinner party naming off names of clintons enemies while stabbing a knife into the table and saying each of them will die…

Robert Gates, who has been involved in three decades of intelligence crimes and scandals…

Either way, just doesn’t seem to be any different faces and input, the point of the news cast and the article was that it seems as though the campaign that Obama ran on was all smoke and mirrors, so what else are we in store for??? Time will tell.

No shit.


exactly…good times, had by none

whats the problem? sounds like a level headed guy lol

I want to have a beer with Rahm Emanuel. His brother Ari is the real life Ari Gold, he can come too.

Ah well, he was a senior advisor to Clinton in the 1990’s and didn’t make any big waves. He’s a jew and a strong supporter of Israel and didn’t plan anything :tinfoilhat: when he directed the signing of the oslo accords agreement.

He seems animated, but might not be such a left wing nut job afterall.

Yeah time will tell when obama gets into office how his advisors help shape policies. Until then it’s just speculation

Yep. We’ll see. At this point we just get to hang on and hope the train can stay on the track through the upcoming left hander. :shrug:

Either way, Obama’s cabinet picks are a lot less controversial and a lot more centrist than Bush’s hard-line first batch. John Ashcroft? Rumsfeld? Paul Wolfowitz? srsly? Other than Colin Powell, it was pretty much a collection of notorious right-wing assholes, and we got to see what bad advisors can do.

I have, thats why I voted for him. :slight_smile:

no. I know he was a bad president…for real.

No worse than any of the others.