Obama voters chime in

I speak with many poeple who had voted for Obama and now are regretting it. I was ondering if anyone on here voted for him and is now wishing that they had not. I’m curious to see how many people that initially supported him are displeased with the direction he is taking us.

I’m very happy with him. If anything I just wish Congress could get on the same page to get more of his agenda through without watering it down and filling it with extra crap.

I like how all of your poll options make you look like a complete moron.

I don’t see how we are worse off then we were with Bush :shrug:

I think too many people think the president has more power than he actually does.

Too soon to tell. It looks like Bush’s and his spending bills seemed to work, but we’ll still be debating that 100 years from now. The healthcare thing we should have a pretty good idea of in 20 years. If we see new Glass-Steagal-ish regulations back on the financial industries I’d be happy right away.

Otherwise, yeah so far so good. Our foreign policies no longer scare me, so that’s good.

the poll confirms what I thought… which is that republicans are going around claiming that they keep running into people who voted for Obama and are now regretting it. (also that they can’t spell choice)

I did not vote because Clinton didnt win.

Both Bush terms were horrible failures, he destroyed this country isngle handedly, and everyone sat back and watched, even re elected him, but yet they are bitching about obama?

should have learned the lesson from Bush sr. Nobody likes Bush, expecially in office.

NYSpeed is hardly a good cross section though. The majority of Obama supporters on here are pretty serious left leaning so they’re going to stand behind him no matter what. There are a lot of independents out there who are feeling buyers remorse. That’s clear from his approval rating that has fallen below 50% already.

really? I would argue that most obama voters on here and very centrist democrats to non-affiliated. can you name any that you consider ultra left?

I don’t want to name names but IMO some of the more active voices on here that are liberal I find quite far left as well. However as an entire forum I would say more central.

There should have been another option for not voting for Obama that wasn’t so anti Obama. I don’t think we are totally fucked with Obama, I just disagreed with him economically.

And yes, most outspoken Obama supporters on here are far left imo.

his approval rating is under 50 percent, you dont need the republicans to tell you that people are regretting voting for him, its just obvious.

I really don’t think you guys realize what far left is. People who are really far left wouldn’t even be on this forum or into cars at all.

lol true, so it would be far left but not extreme left

Sure, not like super wacky extremists or anything. I mean i used to live on the west coast I know these fuckers all too well haha. As far as obama I can’t say I am really upset about anything he has done. I am not a huge fan of the health care situation but if it just makes for more competition and not just driving under all the public options then it could be great. But as Fry said we will not really know for quite some time.

This thread is 3 years too early IMO.

derrrkk errr jerrrbbssss

agreed. Everyone knows I’m not an Obama supporter at all. He is ambitious, which is good, but I think his ambitions are more for his personal agendas than representing what Americans want/need (not that Bush didn’t do the same to an extent, which I disapproved of as well). I also do not like that he is massively increasing the governments role in everything, especially free market economics. The government should enforce regulations and anti-monopoly laws, and help when shit hits the fan. Other than that, they should stay out of it. I for one believe the government has become far too powerful and has their hand in far too many aspects of American life. We are the United STATES of America. The federal government has been pushing their weight around in way too many state issues. The federal government is NOT the end all be all that people seem to think.