Obama's fun and games until someone gets hurt!

is it OPS? like special OPS?


like OOPS?

It should be OOPS right?

wtf is this shit…

Why do you noobs suck at life so much…

you’re so inept :frowning:

it was an anology. you’re a closet racist and a whacko nutjob.

let’s settle this old school. duels at dawn. the park that’s behind the plstic surgery place on main street.

He is none of those things. Just someone who contributes positively to our economy and doesn’t want to see our state and country to continue going down the shitter because of nut jobs who think the answer is always bigger government and more taxes. If you like socialism and a country that will wipe your ass from birth to death go move to France. Ill keep my freedoms and work hard. Real Americans don’t expect the feds to come and make everything better and give us “free” money that we borrow from the Chinese.

Every thread that has even the most minute hint of politics involved in it fucking explodes because of you political nazis and cry babies. you people suck.

can’t we just laugh at the funny pictures? for once? maybe?

no shit, its a picture of the fucking president throwing a snow ball. some of you people really need to get out more or something