I get what your sayin fool. I just think it shouldn’t be that way. Just because he’s in a position of power he has to sugarcoat everything instead of just saying it how it is? If he doesn’t, he’ll get torn to shreds by the media, etc. He should be able to go on TV and tell Kanye he’s a jerk.
And again, my point sticks. Americans, in general, are a bunch of ID10T’s when it comes to stuff like this. We all know that the American mentality it sue for everything possible or argue about everything and try to get some sort of apology of out people. Seriously? Lady burned her tongue on hot coffee and won a million? WTF did you order? Or suing for libel of some sort. Or slipping and faking injury just to get some $$$ (I believe they finally made some laws where you have to prove injury now). GAY. In Ukraine/most of Europe, if you came back to a McDonalds saying you burned your tongue, the clerk would tell you to get the hell out of his store.
Or how about Al Sharpton? Guys crazy. He’ll go argue against someone over the dumbest crap.
Or how about Tim Hardaway saying he didn’t like gay people to the media? BIG DEAL. He doesn’t like gay people. OH WELL. Cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.
People need to relax. Let people think whatever they want. It’s a fricken constitutional right. A human right.