Obamas statement on kanye


While I do not care for some of the things obams doing

I do feel as thou he acts as a human being, hes not afraid to not show his human side if you will

which can be good or badā€¦ either wayā€¦ absoloutely hillarious

good find to find the actual audio

hahaā€¦ now is he going to say that obama hates black people too?

He made that comment off the record and the video never supposed to see the light of day, so I wouldnt call it showing America his human side. Supposedly a bunch of journalists got fired for it.

where did you hear that?

CNN on the first press release of the story, before the video was out.

They got fired for this? What douche bags.

Just cause heā€™s the president doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t have an opinion about someone else.

Why does EVERYTHING have to be ā€˜politically correctā€™. If the president thinks heā€™s a jackass, thatā€™s fine. Who gives a crap. I commend Obama for being himself. Killin flies, calling Kanye a jackass. +1 Barack. +1.

Itā€™s like that rookie for the Redskins who called fans dimwits and then had to cancel his twitter account do to the backlash he got. SO WHAT!?

Because it was off the record, thatā€™s why.

Settle down. Off the record means it isnt to be reported on. Its called journalism principals 101.

I completely understand off the record but when Obama stuck his foot in his mouth about the Officer that arrested his friend for being a jackass. Nobody got fired and everything was turned into a Journalistic folly.

It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s on record or off record. He should be able to go ON record and say, ā€œKanye West, as President of the United States of America, I crown you the jackass of 2009.ā€ Can he? Nope. Why? Because the media will tear him to shreds for not being politically correct. The man canā€™t even voice his own opinion. He has to please the media and other politicians, etc.


Americanā€™s are a bunch of pansies when it comes to someone talking about them. Iā€™ll sue you forā€¦forā€¦making me look bad!

Ilya are you trying to make me look bad? because I will sue ya :rofl

runs off to Ukraine

we wont miss ya


The President shouldnā€™t be commented on the character of musicians, not because he doesnt have an opinion, but because heā€™s the President. When he is acting as the President, he is quoted on record regarding duties as President. Now heā€™s been quoted off record saying something that Presidents dont say. Heā€™s a figure head as much as he is a leader.

Whoop di doo JClark. Heā€™s still human and humans are entitled to any and all opinions. President or not. Media needs to relax.

:facepalm The point <--------------> you

I got a ton of friends in the Ukraine

I get what your sayin fool. I just think it shouldnā€™t be that way. Just because heā€™s in a position of power he has to sugarcoat everything instead of just saying it how it is? If he doesnā€™t, heā€™ll get torn to shreds by the media, etc. He should be able to go on TV and tell Kanye heā€™s a jerk.

And again, my point sticks. Americans, in general, are a bunch of ID10Tā€™s when it comes to stuff like this. We all know that the American mentality it sue for everything possible or argue about everything and try to get some sort of apology of out people. Seriously? Lady burned her tongue on hot coffee and won a million? WTF did you order? Or suing for libel of some sort. Or slipping and faking injury just to get some $$$ (I believe they finally made some laws where you have to prove injury now). GAY. In Ukraine/most of Europe, if you came back to a McDonalds saying you burned your tongue, the clerk would tell you to get the hell out of his store.

Or how about Al Sharpton? Guys crazy. Heā€™ll go argue against someone over the dumbest crap.

Or how about Tim Hardaway saying he didnā€™t like gay people to the media? BIG DEAL. He doesnā€™t like gay people. OH WELL. Cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

People need to relax. Let people think whatever they want. Itā€™s a fricken constitutional right. A human right.

You can blame it on the fact Americans suck all you want, but he has an image to uphold as the president of our country.
Stating on the record that Kanye is a jackass doesnā€™t exactly fit in there.
He said it in conversation with the reporters who were there, and someone took advantage of that.
They are now paying for it with their jobs.
Anything off the record being made public is a huge no-no, thatā€™s journalism 101 right there.
You can use all the other examples of simlilar instances to prove your point, however nothing changes the fact that heā€™s the president, and different rules are going to apply.