oct 11

aaron spangler on pinks!!!1:bigok: :bigok: :bigok: :bigok: :bigok:

hell oct 11-15 they are airing the episode!

dont know why they used my name??

white dizzel lets get this party started !!!

we need to contact representives from the charites we are donating to and invite them…

we need a press realease asap!!

:blue: :blue: :blue: :idb: :idb: :idb:

i am on it… I will get all the party shit lined up today and tomorrow.


:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :bigthumb:


will anyone be making copies of the show and allowing members access to ti?

i definitely won’t… I will make copies to give to you guys, but not to the public… that would get me in a good bit of trouble I imagine

that what im talking about. since a few of my background dont have digi cable they cant see it and was hoping for a DVD or etc that i can allow them to borrow or give them

let us know and i would also like a copy of the video of behind the sceens to give to some background of mine

the dvd’s are coming, been swamped with shit. one of these days it will be done.

ok cool