off roading cruise

so this weekend then?

You guys are retarded if you think you’re going to go run around on that. I live 4 miles from there. There are cops EVERYWHERE around here. The State Police, E.C. Sherrif’s Dept., and the Springville PD all patrol the 219. Plus, they all hang out at the Country Fair at the end of the expressway, and the Timmy Ho’s down the 2 lane section of the 219 a bit. You WILL get caught. I’m sure you’ll all be charged with trespassing on state property, and probably destruction of property, even though we all know you won’t really be destroying anything. Honestly, there’s not much room to play around on. And, if you end up playing down by the gorge, somebody will probably run out of talent and fall 200 feet to their death. Just something to think about.


You guys are retarded if you think you’re going to go run around on that. I live 4 miles from there. There are cops EVERYWHERE around here. The State Police, E.C. Sherrif’s Dept., and the Springville PD all patrol the 219. Plus, they all hang out at the Country Fair at the end of the expressway, and the Timmy Ho’s down the 2 lane section of the 219 a bit. You WILL get caught. I’m sure you’ll all be charged with trespassing on state property, and probably destruction of property, even though we all know you won’t really be destroying anything. Honestly, there’s not much room to play around on. And, if you end up playing down by the gorge, somebody will probably run out of talent and fall 200 feet to their death. Just something to think about.


bubble bursted…

I do want to get my Outback muddy though. I blasted through a mudhole and it was incredibly fun. I want to coat the thing in mud though sometime.


I do want to get my Outback muddy though. I blasted through a mudhole and it was incredibly fun. I want to coat the thing in mud though sometime.


Go out to Tift St. after it rains a bunch. Nothing is overly challenging, but it’s kinda fun to run around on:


Def. too deep for the Outback, but looks like wicked fun in a jeep.

Is it legal to drive around there? And how do you get there?

Posts: 45



Go out to Tift St. after it rains a bunch. Nothing is overly challenging, but it’s kinda fun to run around on:


yeah scoobies arn’t going to do well there





You best not be discrediting him based off his Nyspeed posts.

You don’t remember him from WAY back in the day on the barf?



You best not be discrediting him based off his Nyspeed posts.

You don’t remember him from WAY back in the day on the barf?


to be honest i don’t rember much of anything thank you very much.

southtowns knows his shit.

I work for the state, and would strongly advise against offroading there…

where on tift is that deep puddle? ive gone there a few times and all ive found were the ones when you pull in to the left… the 3 paths up that big hill and the 2 clay pits

i’ve been pulled over nurmous times for offroading in my saturn. cops never seem to give me a hard time, but usually i’m just exploring because the saturn sucks.

i though it would be a fun adventure, and would make a good story for later.


yeah scoobies arn’t going to do well there


Um yeah, I was replying to BigAirSkier about his rig…

And yeah, I only have 40 something posts on here, but I was on the 'berf back in '02, I remember you from there.
Look, I know what I’m talking about, if you choose to ignore it, be prepared to accept the consequences. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention in my first post that they have security driving around. His name is “Moose.” Good luck with that. :smash2:

SIQQQ! i need a beater to take out there, and if theres a problem… i throw it to the floor, and dump the car in the woods… BWAHAHH!

That does look awfully fun, but awfully dangerous too.

If you wanna fuck around, just go to Tift St. No one bothers you there.


Um yeah, I was replying to BigAirSkier about his rig…

And yeah, I only have 40 something posts on here, but I was on the 'berf back in '02, I remember you from there.
Look, I know what I’m talking about, if you choose to ignore it, be prepared to accept the consequences. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention in my first post that they have security driving around. His name is “Moose.” Good luck with that. :smash2:


This guy knows his shit. Forget about doing this, signs or not you’ll be in for a world of hurting when your caught. This isn’t some abandoned trail that cops really don’t give two shits about.

Just go to Tift. Lots lots of light offroading there, as well as bigger stuff to have fun with. Oh, and stop off-roading with your DD. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d run my car on that nice little course, get a few more people in and pm/call me.