Off seasons drift vid Silvia


what a cool little spot! hawt car!


wasnt there just a vid posted of this yesterday


wow those roads are sick, i can’t wait 'till i learn how to drift lol

lol, i did post this vid yesterday.

Sick roads… turtle is fucking huge holy shit.

I love the sound

All right look man there lots of ways you can do this all right. Handbraking is the easiest so the first thing I want you to do, i want you to rip that E-Brake all right. After you rip that E-Brake then I want you to Pow-Wo.


classic fast and furious quotes lol

But yea sick video for sure

yea fast and furious movies are pretty funny

that had to be the UGLIEST s15 i’ve ever seen! (tokyo drift) awesome s13 in the vid though…

The video is the tits. The author must live in a basement to think thats a silvia though…

Anyone else notice the dose? lol
