Off to Deep Creek

Heading down for a couple days for our anniversary. Looking forward to some relaxing. Have a good weekend, I’ll be curious to see how the first track day goes.

congrats!!! how many years?

have fun, i hear its nice down there, my friend has a cabin there and keeps wantin me to go, i never been there. so take pics!

have fun! :naughty:

Or maybe not… The little one has some type of mild pneumonia. Going to wait until tomorrow - the doc says she should be a new person by then. Too hard to leave a sick kid!

  1. Doesn’t seem that long though, guess that’s good.

thats almost half my life! haha. bring him along with you 2, ims ure hes gonna have fun!

do i need to say it?

Take lots of pictures :kekegay:

I live 12 miles from there.It is a busy place in the summer for sure.You need to go to Black Bear and the Honi Honi.

you should stay at the wisp… great all around place! fishing tournament’s the next 2 weekends so you’;l see alot of bass boats flying around!!

I’ve spent a small fortune at that place…

What’s Honi Honi?

We rented a house. Not right on the lake like last time, but still pretty nice, and a little cheaper.

Deep Creek was an awesome place up till about 5 years ago when all the rental company started building huge houses for rent and all the jackasses from Philly/D.C./Baltimore came in and tore up the place. Still nice, just over-populated.

Oh, and I blame the Super Walmart as well.

you can doooo eeet

A bar.In the summer you can dock your boat there.Also all you see se is swim suits and nice ones.

Hopefully it’s early enough in the season that it won’t be so crowded. I want to be away from people as much as possible.

It seems like the whole place is rental property. And those are some expensive places too.

congrats and have fun!!

Yes there is alot of rental up there, and yes you will have to bring your $$$.

Have fun… im sure there will be no one there until memorial day… While your down there pull my boat and could you clean it and put it in the water for me?? THANKS :embarass: :beer:

It doesn’t get crowded until Memorial Day, so it should be nice and quiet for you.

And hell yeah there are a lot of rental properties.

Had a great time. Weather was perfect, beautiful house (hut tub, pool table), did some hiking, watched some movies (didn’t have to turn the TV down because of sleeping kids), had some good filet mignon at the Pine Lodge Restaurant, cruised all around, and not crowded at all. There were 4 people at the movie theatre and NO one else at the hiking trails in the state park. Almost got some golfing in too but there was a dress code and I didn’t have anything else with me. My wife was just going to ride along in the cart - what more could I ask for!

I know most of you are looking for more excitement when you go places, but it was a great anniversary trip for the two of us!

And here’s your pics Shaggy. :wink: