Where is off topic?
I no see off topic!
Do you see off topic?
Show me off topic!
Where is off topic?
I no see off topic!
Do you see off topic?
Show me off topic!
WTF? Dude I swear it was gone for while I signed in and all as a member and it still wasn’t there and I was like WTF? :dunno:
you probably wern’t logged in?
same thing has happend to me a few times and i am singed in all the time.
yeah it’s not there
G ?
ya this happend to me and i told g unit and he fixed it in like half a second.
hes magic
THANK YOU! See Im not the only one who had this problem. Great so Im not seeing things or going crazy!..But that still doesn’t explain the voices in my head :shock:
I’ll feel this one.
Apparently OT was still opent o public so I moved it to members only.
I changed the 2005/6 members to have access but forgot about 2004.
All is good now.
how can u forget about us
way to go g…
Yes G, way to fuk it up. And then fix it!
You are the man.
You’ll make a fine politician.
Watch what you say about me. I can shut this place down just like that. :squint:
Yeah i know. Thats the problem.
:lol: :lol: you two make such a great team
:greddy: :mamoru: