*OFFICIAL* 06-07 Toronto Maple Leafs Season Thread

From ESPN:

Fans booed the Maple Leafs at the end of the second quarter and at the final horn.

Toronto lost despite outshooting Buffalo.

“We got out butts kicked tonight,” Toronto coach Paul Maurice said. “We got beat 6-1. That’s why we got booed tonight.”

hehe :wink:




omg i cant wait for espo’s defense of his team in the morning lolololol

dem l33fz got smoked by the buffchester sabricans…BAD…:rofl:

To my beloved Maple Leafs:
you fucking suck. you should be ashamed of yourselves letting a 1/2 minor league team come into your own building and kick your ass’es all over the ice. It was close to the most disgusting,pathetic,weakest effort i have ever seen. you dont even deserve a playoff spot, and are a disgrace to the Maple Leaf jersey. Honestly I have never been so disgusted watching you play.

:tdown: :banghead: :hang:



buffchester sabricans! FTW

I noticed every time one Leafs player got the puck the whole place boo’d him. Who was it, and what was it about?

pffft… fair weather fan.

edit: beaten to it.


Brian McCabe

Ok, I found it on the Toronto Sun site…

After his sloppy turnover led to Buffalo’s third goal, McCabe was jeered each time he touched the puck for the remainder of the game, a reception usually reserved for Ottawa Senators captain Daniel Alfredsson when he’s in town.

That’s pretty shitty. Players make mistakes, doesn’t help your team to boo them every time they go near the puck.

Yeah they should have given him a break, the sabres had another 3 in them after that goal.

this is what u get for talking shit all year. wah wah leafs this, blah blah toronto that.

definitely fair weather attitude here… have fun missing the playoffs again!

You’re 3 points out of 8th place, with 2 games in hand against the 8th place team. A little early to be abandoning ship.

Hopefully you have a road trip coming up soon so you can get away from your fans. Being boo’d on the road > being boo’d at home.

FOR THE RECORD: im not a fair weather fan, im not abandoning ship or any of the like. Im disgusted with the performance of my team last night.

just like ruffling a few feathers. And wow, you’re pretty easy to get stirred up after the leafs play like a golf team. :crap:

and please, stop yelling.

preserved for all time just in case anyone forgets this post :stuck_out_tongue:

Blow leafs blow! ha

:whip: just as the smilies say, and it’s the right colors, the leafs got their butts whipped!!! Tee time or pool side the Leaf Jersey is a must have item, but on the ice it will NEVER and I MEAN NEVER win the cup again!!!

Seriously dude? What’s the name of our farm team? Are you kidding?

Holy hell that kaberle hit was fucking bad! I hate to see any players head get scrambled like that.