*OFFICIAL* 06-07 Toronto Maple Leafs Season Thread

Bill Barilko disappeared that summer
He was on a fishing trip
The last goal he ever scored won the Leafs the cup
They didn’t win another until 1962 the year he was discovered
I stole this from a hockey card I keep tucked up under
My fifty mission cap I worked it in to look like that

1 win in 3 outings. What an exciting start for Leafs fans.

With Belfour out and Auld in, I expect the panthers to shut the leafs out tonight.

auld ftw

i was impressed with auld last year in vancouver, he played pretty well considering he was just thrown into the starting job like that and played so many games! wish the canucks had kept him, but so far so good with loungo

After belfour’s start against atlanta the other night, I don’t think he’s going to be playing much at all this year :lol:

I now like some Leaf fans I met during the Sabres VS Ottawa game.

They beat the living crap out of some Ottawa fans that where acting like D-bags.

I am now getting those seats again just to sit with them (but they like the Sabres a lot too).



Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile.

due to the “October Suprise” storm and me STILL having no power, and having a tree fall on my brand new car, i apologize for lack of updates.

Moving along: Sundin scores his 500th and Leafs win AGAIN.


:snores @ you:

5 wins> 3 wins. Sleep on that stunt man!

Wow, a .500 start. Not bad.

Granted it’s not a 1.000 start, but it’s something.

For anyone expecting the leafs to do nothing this year, you will be disappointed. They will be the 7th or 8th seed in the playoffs.

I agree…but posting in this thread is more about busting a leaf’s fan Balls.

that being said. TORONTO SUCKS a fat hairy willy!


Either that or they’ll have the 7th or 8th pick in the draft!!

im going with ^

i was thinking 5th or 6th… but good minds think alike :slight_smile: